Enrolment Procedures 2025

(Rev 8-Nov-2024)

Click here to download and print this document.

Special Conditions

Please read these Special Conditions which apply during the initial enrolment period from 10:00 AM on Tue 3 Dec until 12:01 AM Mon 9 Dec.

  1. The Summer School program is designed to give members (especially new members) a taste of what U3A can offer, and so several identical sessions will be presented during the two-week Summer School.  In order that as many members as possible have an opportunity to sample these courses, members may only enrol in one (1) of these identical sessions.
  2. The same condition applies to other identical courses presented throughout the year – members may only enrol in one (1) of these identical sessions.
  3. During the first week of enrolment, members will be limited to a total of eight (8) classes (which include Summer School classes).
  4. That quota limit will be removed at 12:01 AM on Mon 9 Dec 2024, at which time you may enrol in further classes of your choice.
  5. If you are using assisted-enrolling at U3A, your HelpDesk volunteer will help you meet the Special Conditions.


Enrolments for 2025 will commence at 10:00 AM sharp on Tuesday 3 December 2024.  All enrolments will be completed online via U-MAS.  Assistance in The Hub (Room 63) will be provided for members without Internet access or who need help with online enrolment.  Assistance on Enrolment Day will be available from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM, and on other days by prior appointment via Reception.,

The U-MAS system, introduced in 2022, has provided an effective and efficient service for all members, resulting in a greater level of control and privacy for every aspect of membership and course management at our U3A.

Will there be problems?  Of course, as with any technology!  But HelpDesk volunteers will do their best to make your experience as quick and enjoyable as possible.  So, a little patience may be required.


  1. Are you a current member?  If so, please ensure you can log into your UMAS account. Select Existing Member Login from the LOGIN menu on the website. If you have forgotten or need to reset your password, see Help Guides.
  2. Are you a new member?  You will be able to join and enrol once enrolments open. Select New Member Join from the LOGIN menu and follow the step-by-step instructions.
  3. The most current Course Details and Enrolment Forms (by day or by category) are available in Courses & Activities, including the Summer School timetable for 2025.
  4. You should print and complete an Enrolment Form as a guide to help you or a helper enter the online enrolment details. See Help Guides for assistance.
  5. A short U-MAS for Members video presentation is available here.


  1. All enrolments are entered online via U-MAS either by members individually or with HelpDesk assistance.  There are limited HelpDesk resources at the U3A campus, so please be patient and assistance will be provided in turn.
  2. New members wishing to join and members who do not have Internet access are welcome to attend the U3A campus, and will be assisted by HelpDesk volunteers.
  3. If you know of any member requiring enrolment assistance and are able to help them, it would be appreciated as this reduces the workload on the HelpDesk team.
  4. The most important first step for members is to be able to login to their U-MAS account.  See Help Guides for assistance.


  1. If you are an existing member requiring assistance, or a new member wishing to join, you should come to the U3A campus.
  2. Existing members MUST either bring their name badge or know their member number (which is not 2024, the current year).  If you do not know your login details, help will be available.
  3. Before arriving, make sure you have downloaded and printed the latest Course List (by day) and the respective Enrolment Form (by day), and selected your courses. Using the by day forms will speed up the process and reduce the likelihood of selecting courses running concurrently.
  4. If you arrive without these two forms, you will need to purchase a set from Reception ($2.00 a set).
  5. When you arrive, proceed towards Reception and obtain a queue ticket from the HelpDesk volunteer manning the ticketing table opposite Reception.
  6. You will be directed to the waiting room and then called into The Hub in order by ticket number.
  7. HelpDesk volunteers will log you in as an existing member (using your Member Number), or sign you up as a new member.
  8. They will enrol you in your selected course(s) using the Enrolment Form you previously completed.
  9. At the conclusion of enrolment, two (2) invoices will be printed – one for you.
  10. Proceed to the Treasurer who will be in The Hub and able to accept payment in cash, cheque or EFTPOS, and who will keep the second invoice copy.
  11. Once payment has been received, your membership is automatically renewed.
  12. Membership payments not received by Fri 10 Jan 2025 may result in those enrolments or waitlisted positions being cancelled and offered to other members.
  13. Name badges will be available for pickup at Reception from Mon 13 Jan 2025 (start of Summer School).
  14. Online Enrolments remain open 24 hours a day for additions and changes
  15. See Help Guides on the website for further assistance.


Unlike previous years Enrolment Confirmation letters will only be posted to members without Internet access.

At the conclusion of step 9 above, your invoice will show if you have been Enrolled or Waitlisted on a course.

If you are Waitlisted, you should login and check if your status has changed after all enrolments are finalised at close of business on Fri 10 Jan 2025

Name badges will be available for pickup at Reception from Mon 13 Jan 2025 (start of Summer School).

A current name badge MUST be worn at all times on campus, and is mandatory for entry to classrooms for all courses and activities.


  1. Get a friend to help you; or
  2. Send a help request to: office@u3abentleigh.org.au with your full name, membership number (if known) and best contact number; or
  3. Ring the office on 9570 3929, provide the same details and book a help request callback.

One of our HelpDesk volunteers will contact you after Enrolment Day and provide assistance.