How would you like to listen to radio stations from every corner of the world? Free!
Radio Garden is a non-profit Dutch radio and digital research project developed from 2013 to 2016, by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (under the supervision of Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg’s Golo Föllmer), by the Transnational Radio Knowledge Platform and five other European universities. According to the service, the idea is to narrow the global boundaries of radio. It gained popularity in 2016 when it surpassed the 8,000 registered radio stations mark.
Click the link below to open Google Earth. The green dots represent radio stations all over the world. Click on any dot to hear that station. The tab on the bottom left shows you how many other local stations to choose from – click the tab top open it. The Scroll wheel on your mouse will let you zoom in and out, use the mouse to move from country to country. Enjoy, and maybe learn a new language!